Universitatea din Bucuresti has announced a winner on 01 Jan 1970 for the following project: Romania-Bucuresti: Expert witness services.
The amount allocated for this project has not been disclosed. During this time, the company will be responsible to fulfill its obligations, as stated in the Terms and Conditions. Anyone who wish to appeal this decision can contact Universitatea din Bucuresti
Bellow, you can find more information about the project:
Location: Romania
Universitatea din Bucuresti
Contract award
13 Oct 2016
Not available
Not available
Serviciul tehnic
+40 213104641
+40 213077327
+40 213077375
Contract award notice
Section I: Contracting authority
Official name: Universitatea din Bucuresti
Postal address: B-dul Mihail Kogalniceanu nr. 36-46, sector 5
Town: Bucuresti
Postal code: 050107
Country: Romania
Contact person: Serviciul tehnic
For the attention of: sef Serviciu tehnic – ing. Virginia Tosca
E-mail: contact@tehnic.unibuc.ro
Telephone: +40 213077327
Fax: +40 213133531
Internet address(es):
General address of the contracting authority: www.unibuc.ro
Address of the buyer profile: www.e-licitatie.ro
Section II: Object of the contract
71319000 Expert witness services
Section V: Award of contract
Contract No: 14196/3.8.2016Official name: Polarh Design SRL
Postal address: B-dul Tineretului nr. 1, bl. 5, sc. C, et. 1, ap. 61, sect. 4
Town: Bucuresti
Postal code: 040341
Country: Romania
E-mail: pol_arh@yahoo.com
Official name: Polarh Design SRL
Postal address: B-dul Tineretului nr. 1, bl. 5, sc. C, et. 1, ap. 61, sect. 4
Town: Bucuresti
Postal code: 040341
Country: Romania
E-mail: pol_arh@yahoo.com
Official name: Polarh Design SRL
Postal address: B-dul Tineretului nr. 1, bl. 5, sc. C, et. 1, ap. 61, sect. 4
Town: Bucuresti
Postal code: 040341
Country: Romania
E-mail: pol_arh@yahoo.com
Official name: Polarh Design SRL
Postal address: B-dul Tineretului nr. 1, bl. 5, sc. C, et. 1, ap. 61, sect. 4
Town: Bucuresti
Postal code: 040341
Country: Romania
E-mail: pol_arh@yahoo.com
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