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Short Term Consultant - Health Emergencies Pharmaceutical & Medical, Consumer Goods & Services, Government Short Term Consultant - Health Emergencies
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Short Term Consultant - Health Emergencies

Short Term Consultant - Health Emergencies has been closed on 03 Jun 2018. It no longer accepts any bids. For further information, you can contact the World Health Organization

Bellow, you can find more information about this project: 

Location: Cambodia

General information


World Health Organization


Pharmaceutical & Medical

Consumer Goods & Services






23 May 2018


03 Jun 2018


Not available



Vannda Kab


+855 23216610



Purpose of the Consultancy

The short term consultant (STC) will work in the World Health Organization Health Emergencies (WHE) unit to provide support in strengthening laboratory capacity in terms of biosafety, biosecurity, specimen transportation and quality management, as well as laboratory related inputs in risk assessments, outbreak investigation and response, and Applied Epidemiology Training (AET).


Surveillance and laboratory capacity are key components of International Health Regulation (IHR) core capacities and key areas of Asia Pacific Strategy for Emerging Diseases and Public Health Emergencies (APSED III). The Joint External Evaluation (JEE) was conducted for the first time in the western pacific region in Cambodia, in 2016. Based on JEE recommendations, Cambodia National Work Plan for Emerging Disease and Public Health Emergencies to Achieve IHR Core Capacities (2016-2020) was revised, and identified laboratory capacity strengthening in terms of quality management, specimen transportation system and biosafety, among others, as key areas to focus on. The WHE unit provides technical assistance in these areas. The consultant will provide support to laboratory capacity strengthening, as well as contribute laboratory related expertise during risk assessment,outbreak investigation and response, and AET.

Planned timelines (subject to confirmation)

Start date:  1 July 2018
End date: 31 December 2018

Work to be performed

Under the guidance of the WHO Representative, the consultant will support:

  • Strengthening of biosafety and biosecurity of laboratories
  • Development of a pilot specimen referral and transportation system;
  • Implementation and training of Laboratory Quality and Management System (LQMS);
  • Development of in-house External Quality Assessment (EQA);
  • Conduct and support laboratory related input in the risk assessments and field activities for outbreak investigation and response;
  • Review course materials for laboratory related modules in AET programme and deliver training;
  • Strengthen the national laboratory network system;

Method(s) to carry out the activity

  • Liaise with the Ministry of Health, partners and laboratories as required for achieving outputs;
  • Organize and join meetings and trainings related to biosafety and biosecurity in laboratories;
  • Support the coordination and alignment of Ministry of Health projects and activities, liaising with the different national and international partners;
  • Join risk assessments and field works such as outbreak investigation and response, and support final outbreak report;
  • Collaborate with national and international partners in the development of training materials pertaining to the AET programme; and
  • Perform field visits to national and provincial laboratories to support training and other activities aligned with funding proposals.


Output 1: Strengthening laboratory biosafety and biosecurity in laboratories

Deliverable 1.1. Support biosafety laboratory assessments and trainings and final assessment reports

Deliverable 1.2. Support development and implementation of biosafety regulations, writing meeting minutes and reports of related workshops

Output 2: National specimen referral and transport system

Deliverable 2.1: Develop a pilot specimen referral and transportation system for surveillance programs

Deliverable 2.2: Write meeting minutes and/or discussion notes related to laboratory specimen transport

Output 3: Implementation of LQMS

Deliverable 3.1: Support LQMS trainings

Deliverable 3.2:  Write meeting minutes and /or discussion notes of coordination meetings regarding LQMS

Output 4: Implementation of in-house EQA at the National Public Health Laboratory

Deliverable 4.1. Support and write final reports of EQA in-house development stepwise activities

Deliverable 4.2. Write final report of annual EQA workshop and follow-up corrective actions

Output 5: Risk assessments and field activities for outbreak investigation, laboratory support

Deliverable 5.1: Conduct risk assessments of disease outbreaks or unusual health events

Deliverable 5.2: Join field activities for outbreak investigation and response as required

Output 6: Laboratory course materials for AET foundation course

Deliverable 6.1: Review and deliver training materials for laboratory related modules as required

Deliverable 6.2: Develop lesson notes for sessions

Output 7: Strengthen the national laboratory network

Deliverable 7.1. Liaise with Ministry of Health counterparts and partners to coordinate and align activities

Deliverable 7.2. Write meeting minutes for laboratory related meetings such as laboratory partner meetings, laboratory manager meetings, biosafety committee meetings and technical working group meetings

Technical Supervision

The selected Consultant will work on the supervision of:

Responsible Officer:   Dr Vannda Kab, acting TL, ESR
Email:  [email protected]

Manager:   Dr Vannda Kab, acting TL, ESR
Email:  [email protected]

Specific requirements

Qualifications required:   

Essential: University degree in medical laboratory sciences or related field from a recognized university

Desirable: Postgraduate degree in medical laboratory sciences or related field from a recognized university

Experience required:

Essential: Minimum of 7 years relevant work experience in laboratories and/or public health, including experience at international level

Desirable: Experience in working in microbiology services and in outbreak investigation, working with Ministry of Health officials, management of large projects including laboratory specimen referral and transport systems and quality management, experience in international coordination and collaboration, experience working in the western pacific region

Skills / Technical skills and knowledge:

  • Excellent knowledge of laboratory techniques, organization and management to support laboratory capacity development
  • Understanding of emerging diseases and International Health Regulations (IHR)
  • Working experience in resource-constrained setting and understanding of health systems in the western pacific region

Language requirements:

Proficiency in English is essential. Working knowledge of other UN languages is an advantage.


  • Communication in a credible and efficient way
  • Producing results
  • Ability to contribute to the development of norms and standards, as well as training materials
  • Capacity to plan and conduct operational activities with political and technical elements
  • Ability to establish harmonious working relationships as part of a team, adapt to diverse educational and cultural backgrounds, and maintain a high standard of personal conduct
  • Ability to demonstrate gender equality and cultural appropriateness in the delivery of services to member states

Place of assignment

WHO office in Cambodia

Medical clearance

The selected Consultant will be expected to provide a medical certificate of fitness for work.


The Consultant is expected to travel according to the itinerary and estimated schedule below:

Travel dates                        Location
From                                    TBD
To                                         TBD

Purpose: Supportive visits to provincial hospital laboratories to improve biosafety in selected provinces

Travel dates                        Location
From                                    TBD
To                                         TBD

Purpose:  Attend meetings and trainings on biosafety, laboratory quality management and laboratory information system

All travel arrangements will be made by WHO – WHO will not be responsible for tickets purchased by the Consultant without the express, prior authorization of WHO. While on mission under the terms of this consultancy, the Consultant will receive subsistence allowance.

Visas requirements: it is the consultant’s responsibility to fulfill visa requirements and ask for visa support letter(s) if needed.

Interested should submit the following documents to [email protected] by 3 June 2018. Please use Tender Notice No. 72211 as subject to all submissions.

  • Expression of Interest
  • WHO personal history form or CV

Please note that the application may be closed before the indicated closing date if a sufficient number of applications are received. Only the successful candidates will be contacted 


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