TA for consultant to supervise Lidah survey for quality check of data to be generated has been closed on 10 May 2021.
It no longer accepts any bids. For further information,
you can contact the World Bank
https://devbusiness.un.org/content/ta-consultant-supervise-lidah-survey-quality-check-data-be-generated CALL FOR INDIVIDUAL LOCAL CONSULTANTTO SUPERVISE LIDAR SURVEY FOR QUALITY CHECK OF DATA TO BE GENERATED Rwanda Environment Management Authority (hereinafter called ‘’Client”) on behalf of the Government of Rwanda has received funds from the WorldBank towards the cost of preparation INDIVIDUAL LOCAL CONSULTANTTO SUPERVISE LIDAR SURVEY FOR QUALITY CHECK OF DATA TO BE GENERATED. The Client intends to apply a portion of the funds to eligible payments under the contract for which this EoI is issued. Rwanda Environment Management Authority (REMA) invites qualified Consultants to submit proposal for consultancy services as indicated in details, in the Terms of Reference (ToRs). Expression of Interests/proposal must be received not later than the date and time indicated in the umucyo Rwandan e- procurement system. Expression of Interests must be submitted through Rwanda On-line e-Procurement System www.umucyo.gov.rw The ToRs should be obtained from the E-Procurement system for Rwanda www.umucyo.gov.rw free of charge. Enquiries regarding this consultancy may be addressed to The Director General of Rwanda Environment Management Authority (REMA) through the above website For submission of the bids, all interested bidders must submit a Bid Security of Three Hundred Ninety Thousand Four Hundred Rwandan Francs (394,400Rwf Rwf) issued by a bank or from any other reputable insurance company All interested consultants may obtain further information and clarification by writing using the e-procurement system not later than fifteen (15) days before the fixed date for the submission of EoI. All bids/applications will be submitted online using the e-procurement system before the date and time indicated on the above website (local time). Late bids will not be accepted by the system. The shortlisted consultant will be invited to submit financial proposals Bidding will be conducted in accordance with the Law N° 62/2018 of 25/08/2018 governing public procurement. Second Rwanda Urban Development Project Rwanda Not cancelled QCBS- Quality And Cost-Based Selection Request for Expression of Interest Consulting Services- Firm Monday, May 10, 2021- 10:00 WB-P724472-04/21 IDAD7370 RW-REMA-216194-CS-QCBS P165017 Survey General- Rural and Urban Development Monday, April 26, 2021 OP00126623 English Monday, April 26, 2021- 11:33 Rwanda Environment Management Authority Alex Mugabo Gasabo District KG 7 Avenue P.O. Box 7436 Kigali +250788308634
[email protected] Sub-National Government World Bank Thursday, April 22, 2021- 20:00 IBRD/IDA Loans (PE) Rwanda Environment Management Authority USD 20000.00 TA for consultant to supervise Lidah survey for quality check of data to be generated SPIU Coordinator www.rema.gov.rw proc_voc_id: 77111600 proc_voc_title: Environmental rehabilitation seg_id: 77000000 seg_title: Environmental Services family_id: 77110000 family_title: Environmental protection class_id: 77111600 class_title: Environmental rehabilitation cmdty_id: cmdty_title: