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Tender for the allotment of Shop No 12 at ISBT 43, Chandigarh. Construction & Engineering Tender for the allotment of Shop No 12 at ISBT 43, Chandigarh.
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Tender for the allotment of Shop No 12 at ISBT 43, Chandigarh.

Tender for the allotment of Shop No 12 at ISBT 43, Chandigarh. has been closed on 28 Nov 2019. It no longer accepts any bids. For further information, you can contact the Chandigarh Administration

Bellow, you can find more information about this project: 

Location: India

General information


Chandigarh Administration


Construction & Engineering





14 Nov 2019


28 Nov 2019


Not available



Organisation Details :
Organisation Name : Chandigarh Administration
Organisation Type : State Govt. and UT
Tender Details :
Tender Reference Number : 11486/CT/CTU/2019
Tender Title : Tender for the allotment of Shop No 12 at ISBT 43, Chandigarh.
Product Category : Allotment of Space Product Sub-Category :
Tender Fee :Rs.0 EMD :Rs.61000
Tender Type : Open/Advertised Location : Plot no 701 Industrial Area Phase 1 UT Chandigarh
Critical Dates :
ePublished Date : 14-Nov-2019 06:00 PM Bid Opening Date : 28-Nov-2019 03:00 PM
Document Download Start Date : 14-Nov-2019 06:00 PM Document Download End Date : 28-Nov-2019 02:00 PM
Bid Submission Start Date : 14-Nov-2019 06:00 PM Bid Submission End Date : 28-Nov-2019 02:00 PM
Work Details :
Work Description : Tender for the allotment of Shop No 12 at ISBT 43, Chandigarh.
Pre Qualification : Please refer Tender documents.
Tender Document :
Tender Inviting Authority Details :
Name : Director Transport UT Chandigarh
Address : Plot no 701 Industrial Area Phase 1 UT Chandigarh

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