The Request for Proposal is for the services of a consulting and/or business advisory organization with deep experience in facilitating stakeholder engagement and in particularly working on agribusiness and other actors and stakeholders in agri-food systems. Working under the guidance of a dedicated team of FAO Regional Office for Africa (RAF), the successful service provider will:
(i) Identify and invite participants for the dialogue;
(ii) Develop the content of the dialogue;
(iii) Facilitate event flow and moderate discussions during the dialogue;
Inputs to be provided by Service Provider
a) use of premises/ venues and facilities/installations;
b) provision of expertise and support personnel;
c) use of equipment and provision of materials/supplies;
d) logistics (in-country transport such as airport shuttles, venue-accommodation shuttles, etc.);
e) design and print event banners and other visibility materials;
f) take photos of all participants for the report and film proceedings;
g) conference packages including tea/coffee breaks, lunch, gala dinner/cocktail, etc.;
h) design and print communication and outreach materials as well as meeting documents;
i) Management fees/ administrative cost.
j) Other items required.
The Service Provider is invited through the Request for Proposal to submit the detailed budget, specifying items, unit costs and quantities, and showing the total amount which FAO agrees to finance (strictly on an actual cost basis), in accordance with the Article 3. & 4.
Such items may include:
a) SP’s regular personnel used for agreed activity/service;
b) hiring by SP of temporary staff or services;
c) in-country transport (fuel for vehicles);
d) rental of existing SP facilities/equipment;
e) hire of locally available (non-SP) facilities/equipment;
f) purchase of essential supplies and materials;
g) administrative and operational costs (i.e. indirect variable costs)