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Togo-Lomé: Technical assistance for the programme to support the fight against climate change, the protection of biodiversity and agroecology in Togo — PALCC+ Construction & Engineering Togo-Lomé: Technical assistance for the programme to support the fight against climate change, the protection of biodiversity and agroecology in Togo — PALCC+
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Togo-Lomé: Technical assistance for the programme to support the fight against climate change, the protection of biodiversity and agroecology in Togo — PALCC+

Togo-Lomé: Technical assistance for the programme to support the fight against climate change, the protection of biodiversity and agroecology in Togo — PALCC+ has been closed on 13 May 2022. It no longer accepts any bids. For further information, you can contact the European Commission, Directorate-General for International Partnerships (INTPA), INTPA.A.3.DEL.TOGO.002 – Cooperation

Bellow, you can find more information about this project: 

Location: Togo

General information


European Commission, Directorate-General for International Partnerships (INTPA), INTPA.A.3.DEL.TOGO.002 – Cooperation


Construction & Engineering





04 Nov 2022


13 May 2022


Not available




+352 43031


Contract notice


Legal Basis:
Regulation (EU, Euratom) No 2018/1046

Section I: Contracting authority

I.1)Name and addresses
Official name: European Commission, Directorate-General for International Partnerships (INTPA), INTPA.A.3.DEL.TOGO.002 – Cooperation
Postal address: Cité OUA – 01 BP 1657
Town: Lomé
NUTS code: TG Togo
Postal code: N/A
Country: Togo
Contact person:
Internet address(es):
Main address:
The procurement documents are available for unrestricted and full direct access, free of charge, at:
Additional information can be obtained from the abovementioned address
Tenders or requests to participate must be submitted to the abovementioned address
I.4)Type of the contracting authority
European institution/agency or international organisation
I.5)Main activity
General public services

Section II: Object

II.1)Scope of the procurement

Technical assistance for the programme to support the fight against climate change, the protection of biodiversity and agroecology in Togo — PALCC+

Reference number: INTPA/LFW/2022/RP/0063
II.1.2)Main CPV code
79421000 Project-management services other than for construction work
II.1.3)Type of contract
II.1.4)Short description:

The international technical assistance will support the Ministry of the Environment and Forest Resources (MERF) and its various stakeholders involved in implementing the programme. It will cover general coordination of the project, advisory services to stakeholders with regards to the environment and climate change sector in Togo, preparation of terms of reference for studies and training programmes identified, support for monitoring and evaluation, management of contractualisation processes and implementation of services, and management and support for the call for proposals process (drafting of guidelines, evaluation, contractualisation and monitoring of the implementation of subsidy contracts). It will support MERF in monitoring the implementation of projects on site.

It will organise technical monitoring committees and steering committees, and will ensure that they are informed of developments within the sector in order to enable the programme to benefit from synergies.

II.1.5)Estimated total value
Value excluding VAT: 3 000 000.00 EUR
II.1.6)Information about lots
This contract is divided into lots: no
II.2.2)Additional CPV code(s)
79421000 Project-management services other than for construction work
II.2.3)Place of performance
NUTS code: TG Togo
Main site or place of performance:

Please check the contract documents available at the address indicated in Section I.3).

II.2.4)Description of the procurement:

Technical assistance for the programme to support the fight against climate change, the protection of biodiversity and agroecology in Togo — PALCC+.

II.2.5)Award criteria
Price is not the only award criterion and all criteria are stated only in the procurement documents
II.2.6)Estimated value
Value excluding VAT: 3 000 000.00 EUR
II.2.7)Duration of the contract, framework agreement or dynamic purchasing system
Duration in months: 60
This contract is subject to renewal: yes
Description of renewals:

Please check the contract documents available at the address indicated in Section I.3).

II.2.9)Information about the limits on the number of candidates to be invited
Envisaged minimum number: 4
Maximum number: 8
Objective criteria for choosing the limited number of candidates:

The number of candidates is not limited. Please check the contract documents available at the address indicated in Section I.3).

II.2.10)Information about variants
Variants will be accepted: no
II.2.11)Information about options
Options: no
II.2.13)Information about European Union funds
The procurement is related to a project and/or programme financed by European Union funds: yes
Identification of the project:

Please check the contract documents available at the address indicated in Section I.3).

II.2.14)Additional information

Please check the contract documents available at the address indicated in Section I.3).

Section III: Legal, economic, financial and technical information

III.1)Conditions for participation
III.1.1)Suitability to pursue the professional activity, including requirements relating to enrolment on professional or trade registers
List and brief description of conditions:

Please check the contract documents available at the address indicated in Section I.3).

III.1.2)Economic and financial standing
Selection criteria as stated in the procurement documents
III.1.3)Technical and professional ability
Selection criteria as stated in the procurement documents
III.2)Conditions related to the contract
III.2.2)Contract performance conditions:

Please check the contract documents available at the address indicated in Section I.3).

Section IV: Procedure

IV.1.1)Type of procedure
Restricted procedure
IV.1.3)Information about a framework agreement or a dynamic purchasing system
IV.1.8)Information about the Government Procurement Agreement (GPA)
The procurement is covered by the Government Procurement Agreement: yes
IV.2)Administrative information
IV.2.2)Time limit for receipt of tenders or requests to participate
Date: 13/05/2022
Local time: 00:00
IV.2.3)Estimated date of dispatch of invitations to tender or to participate to selected candidates
Date: 27/05/2022
IV.2.4)Languages in which tenders or requests to participate may be submitted:
Bulgarian, Czech, Danish, German, Greek, English, Spanish, Estonian, Finnish, French, Irish, Croatian, Hungarian, Italian, Lithuanian, Latvian, Maltese, Dutch, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Slovak, Slovenian, Swedish
IV.2.6)Minimum time frame during which the tenderer must maintain the tender
Duration in months: 6 (from the date stated for receipt of tender)

Section VI: Complementary information

VI.1)Information about recurrence
This is a recurrent procurement: no
VI.3)Additional information:

Please check the contract documents available at the address indicated in Section I.3). In case of unavailability or improper functioning of the electronic means of communication referred to in Section I.3) in the last five calendar days before the time limit for receipt indicated in Section IV.2.2), the contracting authority reserves the right to postpone this time limit and issue a new time limit at the Internet address provided in Section I.3), without having to issue a preceding corrigendum to this notice. Economic operators interested in this procurement are invited to subscribe to the call for tenders at the address in Section I.3) in order to get notified when new information or documents are published.

VI.4)Procedures for review
VI.4.1)Review body
Official name: General Court
Postal address: Rue du Fort Niedergrünewald
Town: Luxembourg
Postal code: L-2925
Country: Luxembourg
Telephone: +352 43031
Internet address:
VI.4.3)Review procedure
Precise information on deadline(s) for review procedures:

Please check the contract documents available at the address indicated in Section I.3).

VI.5)Date of dispatch of this notice:

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