Uganda-Kampala: EIB - Package 4B – Katosi Drinking Water Treatment Plant and Nsumba Pumping Main and Reservoir has been closed on 20 Sep 2016. It no longer accepts any bids. For further information, you can contact the The Manager Procurement
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Location: Uganda
The Manager Procurement
Construction & Engineering
Machinery & Equipment
19 Aug 2016
20 Sep 2016
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+256-414-315800/802, Email:
+256-414-315800/802, Email:
Construction of the Katosi – Kampala Drinking Water Transmission Main
The National Water and Sewerage Corporation (NWSC) is undertaking the implementation of the Kampala Water-Lake Victoria Water and Sanitation Project (KW-LVWATSAN) with financial support from the German Government via KfW Entwicklungsbank, Agence Française de Développement (AFD), European Union Africa Infrastructure Trust Fund (EU-ITF), European Investment Bank (EIB), and the Government of Uganda (GoU).
The National Water and Sewerage Corporation now invites experienced contractors to submit their filled and extended Pre-Qualification Documents for the construction under the terms of FIDIC Red Book for the following works under this Project:
Type of contract:
Construction of a drinking water transmission main system comprised of: Steel or ductile iron gravity transmission main, reinforced or pre-stressed concrete reservoir, pump station, and steel or ductile iron pumping main.
Name of project:
Construction of the Katosi-Kampala Drinking Water Transmission Mains
Wakiso and Mukono Districts, and Kampala City (all in Uganda)
Scope of Works:
i. Supply, laying, testing and commissioning of approximately 42km of DN1200/1400 steel or ductile iron transmission main from proposed Nsumba reservoir to proposed Ssonde reservoir all in Mukono district.
ii. Connections to existing reservoirs at Mukono and Seeta (approximately 1.8km), and refitting the existing reservoirs of Mukono, Seeta and Mutungo.
iii. Construction of reinforced or pre-stressed concrete water storage reservoir (approximately 15,000 m3 – Volume to be confirmed) at Ssonde
iv. Construction of pump station at proposed Ssonde reservoir (or along the route to the existing Naguru reservoir), inclusive of pump house (approximately 200m2), supply, installation, testing and commissioning of electromechanical equipment (up to approximately 710kW), transformer (approximately 1000kVA – size to be confirmed) and diesel generator
v. Supply, laying, testing and commissioning of approximately 13km of DN500 to 800 steel or ductile iron clear water pumping main and associated fittings from proposed Ssonde reservoir in Mukono District to existing Naguru reservoir in Kampala City.
vi. Refitting the existing Naguru reservoir
vii. Supply and installation of SCADA system for the priority measures, including installation of main station at Gaba water works and eight (08) other sub-stations
Construction period:
2 years (including design, testing, trial operation, and commissioning)
Defect Notification period:
1 year
Note: A minimum average annual construction turnover of EUR 78 million (Seventy eight million Euros only), calculated as total certified payments received for contracts in progress and/or completed within the last five (5) years divided by five (5) years, starting 1st January 2010 is required.
Part of the above works shall entail trenchless excavations.
Interested applicants must request to obtain the detailed prequalification documents by writing to:
The Manager Procurement, National Water and Sewerage Corporation, Plot No. 43, 6th Street, Industrial Area-Kampala, P. O. Box 7053, Kampala, Uganda, Telephone: +256-414-315800/802, Email:
All emails must be copied to:
Delay to request for the prequalification documents by any prospective applicant shall be no basis for requesting an extension of the submission deadline.
The request must clearly state “Request for Prequalification Documents for the Construction of the Katosi-Kampala Drinking Water Transmission Main”. The National Water and Sewerage Corporation (NWSC) will promptly dispatch the documents by email, but under no circumstances will it be held responsible for late delivery or loss of the documents so emailed.
Applications for Prequalification must be submitted as four hard copies (1 Original and three Copies) as well as an electronic copy (one PDF file on a suitable data storage medium e.g. USB stick, SD card) in a sealed envelope or packaging, either delivered by hand, courier or by registered mail to:
The Manager Procurement, National Water and Sewerage Corporation, Plot No. 43, 6th Street, Industrial Area-Kampala, P. O. Box 7053, Kampala, Uganda, Telephone: +256-414-315800/802, Email:
not later than:
10.00am East African Standard Time (EAT) on the 20th September 2016
and be clearly marked “Application for Prequalification for the Construction of the Katosi-Kampala Drinking Water Transmission Main”. Please note that for granting a free and fair competition it is not allowed to send prequalification documents by email. Prequalification documents sent by email will be excluded from evaluation. All prequalification documents are to be submitted sealed and they will be opened on the deadline of submission.
Applicants will be advised, in due course, of the results of their applications. Only firms and joint ventures prequalified under this procedure will be invited to bid.
Bidding will be governed by the AFD’s eligibility rules and procurement procedures. This request for prequalification is also available at the following addresses:
2) GTAI, Germany Trade and Invest GmbH, Villemombler Str. 76, 53123 Bonn,
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