Uzbekistan-Tashkent: Miscellaneous services has been closed on 23 May 2022. It no longer accepts any bids. For further information, you can contact the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation SDC Embassy of Switzerland in Uzbekistan
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Location: Uzbekistan
Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation SDC Embassy of Switzerland in Uzbekistan
Consumer Goods & Services
04 Nov 2022
23 May 2022
Not available
Sohib Akramov
Contract notice
Section I: Contracting authority
Section II: Object
Project “Climate Resilient Integrated Water Resources Management in the Zarafshan River Basin (ZRB) in Uzbekistan” Inception Phase: 01.08.2022 – 31.01.2023 Phase I: 01.02.2023 – 31.12.2026
SDC is initiating the “Climate Resilient Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) in the Zarafshan River Basin” project in the frame of the Swiss Cooperation Programme for Central Asia 2022-2025. The goal of the intervention is to improve the livelihoods of the population in the Basin through climate-resilient IWRM. The Project will pilot IWRM principles, such as climate-resilient basin planning, transboundary cooperation, and more inclusion of water users. This will be accomplished by strengthening the capacity of water stakeholders, introducing of market-based instruments and raising awareness of water users. The project will have a duration of 12 years, including an inception phase of 6 months, two consecutive phases of 4 years each and an exit phase of 3 years. The total financial volume of the project over all its phases is estimated at around CHF 16,260,000. Subject of this tender is the inception phase (01.08.2022-31.01.2023) and phase I (01.02.2023-31.12.2026).
SDC is initiating the “Climate Resilient Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) in the Zarafshan River Basin” project in the frame of the Swiss Cooperation Programme for Central Asia 2022-2025. The goal of the intervention is to improve the livelihoods of the population in the Basin through climate-resilient IWRM. The Project will pilot IWRM principles, such as climate-resilient basin planning, transboundary cooperation, and more inclusion of water users. This will be accomplished by strengthening the capacity of water stakeholders, introducing of market-based instruments and raising awareness of water users. The project will have a duration of 12 years, including an inception phase of 6 months, two consecutive phases of 4 years each and an exit phase of 3 years. The total financial volume of the project over all its phases is estimated at around CHF 16,260,000. Subject of this tender is the inception phase (01.08.2022-31.01.2023) and phase I (01.02.2023-31.12.2026).
The contracting authority reserves the right to award subsequent mandates to the successful tenderer of this tender procedure if a change of tenderer for goods, work or services to replace, supplement or extend supplies already provided is not possible for economic or technical reasons, would cause considerable difficulties or would entail substantial additional costs.
However, follow-up mandates are subject to the existence of sufficient legal basis after the validity period of the “Federal Act of 30 September 2016 on Cooperation with the States of Eastern Europe”, namely 31 December 2024.
Section III: Legal, economic, financial and technical information
Section IV: Procedure
The bids are not opened publicly.
In accordance with Art. 11 let. e PPA, the contracting authority safeguards the confidential character of all information provided by the tenderer.
Section VI: Complementary information
Partial offers are not permitted.
Conditions for tenderers from Non-Member States of the WTO Agreement on Government Procurement:None.
Terms of business: For phase I: General Conditions of Business (GCB) for Project Implementation Mandates – Version May 2021. For inception phase: General Terms and Conditions for FDFA Mandates Type A and B – Version May 2021 and/or General Conditions of the FDFA for local mandates – Version May 2021. These General Conditions of Business (GCB) shall be deemed to have been accepted by the contractor on submission of the bid.
Negotiations: remain reserved.
Essential requirements:The contracting authority may only award public contracts for the supply of goods, work and services in Switzerland to tenderers that ensure compliance with the workplace health and safety regulations and the terms and conditions of employment applicable at the place of performance, the notification and authorisation duties under the Federal Act of 17 June 2005 on Measures to Combat Illegal Employment (IEA) and the provisions on the equal treatment of men and women in terms of equal pay (see Art. 12 para. 1 PPA). For goods, work or services to be supplied abroad, the tenderer must, as a minimum, ensure compliance with the Core Conventions of the International Labour Organization as set out in Annex 6 PPA (see Art. 12 para. 2 PPA). Accordingly, the contracting authority may only award a public contract to tenderers that, as a minimum, comply with the legal provisions on the protection of the environment and the conservation of natural resources applicable at the place of performance (see Art. 12 para. 3 PPA in conjunction with Annex 2 PPA). Any subcontractors that are permitted must meet the requirements set out in Article 12 paras. 1–3 PPA. These obligations must be incorporated into the agreements between tenderers and subcontractors.
Procedures for appeal:This is a public contract under Annex 5 no. 1 let. d PPA. There is no right of appeal.
Deadline / Remarks: Bids should include all the documents stipulated in section 6 and submitted in a sealed envelope as follows: a) one original signed hard copy of the Technical and Financial Proposal labelled 'Original', b) two signed copies of the Technical and Financial Proposal labelled 'Signed Copy', c) one data storage device (e.g. CD, DVD, USB memory stick) with all Technical Proposal and all Financial Proposal documents. OR d) Alternative for submission of offers due to exceptional situation of Covid-19: Due to the situation of Covid-19, the tenderers can by way of exception submit the bid by email exclusively. In this case, the complete bid (format pdf) must be submitted by by 23.05.2022, 23:00 (Swiss time) at the latest. The email must mention “Tender - Climate Resilient Integrated Water Resources Management in ZRB” in the reference line. It is possible to submit a bid in more than one email in clearly labelled batches. Tenderers must confirm in the email the binding force of the bid. The receipt of the bids submitted via email will be acknowledged via email at the latest until 25.05.2022. In all cases the tenderer must retain proof of the timely submission of the bid. Bids submitted late cannot be taken into consideration. They will be returned to the tenderer. Language for bids: English.
Remarks (Desired deadline for questions in written form)No individual information is permitted. Any questions may be submitted anonymously by 14.04.2022 (23:59 Swiss time) on the forum space at Questions submitted late cannot be answered. Answers will be published on by 22.04.2022. Tenderers are themselves responsible for downloading the answers from and for taking them into consideration in the preparation of the bids.
National reference publication: Simap of 06.04.2022 , doc. 1255699Desired deadline for questions in written form: 14.04.2022.
Documents of the invitation to tender are available from06.04.2022until 23.05.2022
Conditions for obtaining the tendering documentation: The documentation on the public call to tender for the project mentioned can be downloaded from the platform under Running procedures, Confederation, Invitations to tender. In order to do so, you first have to register in the mentioned project. You will then be able to log in, using the password that you will have been sent by email, and download the documentation required.
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