REQUIREMENT: Tenderers must have sufficient financial strength to be able to fulfil the contract.
DOCUMENTATION REQUIREMENT: The tenderer's Annual Financial Statements, including notes with the board's and auditor's reports from the last 3 years.
If the Annual Financial Statements for the last year are not finished before the tender deadline for this contest expires, the last year's preliminary annual accounts should also be attached.
The contracting authority reserves the right to carry out a credit assessment.
Financial strength is evaluated in relation to turnover, operating profit margin, solidity and liquidity.
Requirement: Tenderers must have their affairs in order with respect to the payment of tax, payroll tax and value added tax (VAT).
DOCUMENTATION REQUIREMENT: Tax Certificate, not older than six months calculated from the tender deadline. A tax certificate is defined as:
For Norwegian tenderers: A tax and VAT certificate issued by the Tax Collector's Office via Altinn.
Foreign tenderers must submit equivalent certificates from their own country that show that they have an arrangement for the payment of taxes and duties. If the authorities in the relevant country do not issue such certificates, the tenderer should submit a declaration stating that all taxes and duties have been paid. The statement must be approved and signed by the tenderer's Financial Director/ person responsible for finance.