Since 2015 Nord University and the National Competence Centre for Culture, Health and Welfare, (, has carried out the training programme 'music based environment treatment (MMB) with integrated use of music and songs for the health and welfare services. The programme is included in Kompetanseløft 2020 ( Resources for the training programme, NOK 5 million a year, are earmarked in the government budget. The subsidy is proposed to be continued in 2021 and connected to the new Kompetanseløft 2025. The assignment must be announced in autumn 2020 for a new contract period for the period 2021-2025 because of the transition to a new planning period for the Kompetanseløft.
The main aim of the training is that individually adapted use of songs, music and movement will occur by health and care workers having competence in the use of music initiatives adapted for each individual user/patient. This can occur by the participants being given tools and methods to map the users/patients' needs and preferences. Based on the mapping, they must ensure that music and songs as a therapeutic tool are adapted to individual needs, and that the initiatives are documented through journaling on a similar line with other types of therapeutic interventions. This initiative is in addition to any music therapeutic initiatives from, amongst others, music therapists.
The Norwegian Health Directorate would like to enter into a contract with one tenderer that can be responsible for the further development, marketing, implementation, and roll-out of training in environment treatment with integrated use of music and songs for employees in the health and welfare services. We would like the tenderer to enter into collaboration contracts with other professional environments if appropriate in order to ensure good quality and roll-out, so that the training programme is available for employees in the health and welfare services nationwide. The training programme must be adapted for different professional groups and employees with different levels of education. It can preferably be facilitated so that different groups can have some adapted training in parallel that is suitable for each profession.
The Norwegian Health Directorate would like a scheme that contributes to anchoring and implementation at the participants' workplace. There is a need for a quick start-up of the work. Tenderers must show in their responses how the operation and further development work for the tender can start immediately after the contract has been signed. Tenderers must have the capacity to put in a lot of effort in marketing the training programme in spring 2021, and must describe this in detail in their application.
The contract value is a total of NOK 25 million, with NOK 5 million a year for the period 2021-2025. The contract is subject to the Norwegian parliament's annual grant decisions.
The assignment must be started as soon as possible after the contract has been signed.