The objective of the invitation to tender is to establish parallel framework agreements in prioritise order for consumables for invasive cardiology for children and adults at Helse Nord RHF [Northern Norway Regional Health Authority], Helse Midt-Norge RHF [Central Norway Regional Health Authority], Helse Sør-Øst RHF [South-Eastern Norway Regional Health Authority] and Helse Vest RHF [Western Norway Regional Health Authority].
Invasive cardiology is currently done at the following health trusts:
- Oslo University Hospital Trust
--Rikshospitalet [the National Hospital]
-- Ullevål Hospital
- Akershus University Hospital Trust
- Sørlandet Hospital Trust Arendal
- The University Hospital of North Norway Health Trust
- Nordland Hospital Trust
- St. Olavs Hospital Trust.
- Stavanger Hospital Trust
- Bergen Hospital Trust
The turnover is estimated to NOK 120 million per annum.
For further information on ongoing agreements: