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CONSTRUCTION, EQUIPPING AND COMMISSIONING OF A NEW CANCER DIAGNOSTIC AND TREATMENT CENTRE AT KISII TEACHING AND REFERRAL HOSPITAL has been closed on 24 Nov 2021. It no longer accepts any bids. For further information, you can contact the Arab Bank for Economic Development in Africa

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Location: Kenya

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Arab Bank for Economic Development in Africa


Construction & Engineering





23 Aug 2021


24 Nov 2021


Not available


REPUBLIC OF KENYA KISII COUNTY GOVERNMENT       ARAB BANK FOR ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT IN AFRICA SAUDI FUND FOR DEVELOPMENT   M I N I S TRY     O F   H E A L TH TENDER INVITATION NOTICE INTERNATIONAL OPEN TENDER COUNTRY: KENYA PROJECT NAME: CONSTRUCTION AND EQUIPPING OF A NEW CANCER DIAGNOSTIC AND TREATMENT CENTRE AT KISII TEACHING AND REFERRAL HOSPITAL TENDER NO: MOH/NCCP/ICB/001/2021-2022 TENDER NAME: CONSTRUCTION, EQUIPPING AND COMMISSIONING OF A NEW CANCER DIAGNOSTIC AND TREATMENT CENTRE AT KISII TEACHING AND REFERRAL HOSPITAL CLOSING DATE: WEDNESDAY, 24 TH NOVEMBER 2021 AT 11:00 A.M. KENYAN TIME   1. The Government of the Republic of Kenya has obtained a loan from the Arab Bank for Economic Development in Africa and the Saudi Fund for Development to finance the Construction, Equipping and Commissioning of a new Cancer Diagnostic and Treatment Centre at Kisii Teaching and Referral Hospital and it is intended that part of the proceeds of the said loan will be applied towards the costs of the Works. 2. The Ministry of Health invites sealed Tenders from eligible Tenderers for the Construction, Equipping and Commissioning of a new Cancer Diagnostic and Treatment Centre at Kisii Teaching and Referral Hospital (hereinafter called the Works) and the remedying of any defects therein. 3. Eligible interested Tenderers may obtain further information, addendums or clarifications in respect to this Tender from the Ministry website  All eligible Tenderers are advised to regularly check the website during the bidding period. 4. A complete set of the Tender documents may be downloaded from the Ministry’s website or public procurement information portal:, free of charge. Eligible Tenderers downloading the Tender document MUST forward their company’s details to so that any addendum/ clarifications can be sent to their email address. Requests for clarification to be sent either by mail to Principal Secretary, Ministry of Health P. O Box 30016 Nairobi, Kenya or through email address Prospective bidder may at any time, but not later than 21 daysbeforetheclosingdateforsubmittalofbids,request The Tender is a single contract package comprised of the following Six (6) Volumes of Requirements:   Item Requirement Category Volume No. 1 Main Works Volume I 2 Electrical Installation Works Volume II 3 Mechanical Installation Works Volume III 4 Hospital Equipment Supply and Installation Volume IV 5 Hospital Management Information System (HMIS) and ICT Equipment Volume V 6 Hospital Furniture Supply and Installation Volume VI   The Main Works (Volume I) contractor shall be the Main Tenderer. The Main Tenderer may invite eligible subcontractors or joint venture partners participating through Volumes II to VI to form part of his Tender. All partners of the joint venture shall be liable jointly and severally for the execution of the contract in accordance with the contract terms.A copy of the agreement entered into by the joint venture partners shall be submitted with the tender. The Main Tenderer will take the lead and be responsible for the sub-contractors or joint venture partners and will arrange for the mandatory Tender Security. 5. A compulsory pre-Tender site visit will be held at the site located opposite Kisii School along Kericho-Kisii Highway on Wednesday, 22 nd September 2021 from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. The site has a conspicuous signpost that reads “Proposed Kisii Cancer Centre”. 6. This is a Two Envelope  Procedure, Envelope 1, Technical (Volumes I to VI (a)) and Envelope 2, Financial (Priced Bill of Quantities) (Volumes I to VI (b)) each in a separate sealed envelope with all the pages numbered serially. In the event the Tenderer does not pass the Technical Evaluation, the Financial Proposal (Priced Bill of Quantities) shall be returned unopened. 7. The original and one copy of the Technical Proposals, Envelope 1, (Volumes I to VI (a)) shall be placed inside of a sealed envelope, including a soft copy in CD ROM or flash disk, clearly marked “TECHNICAL PROPOSAL”, “[Name of the TENDER] “, reference number, name and address of the Tenderer, and with a warning “Do Not Open until [Wednesday, 24 th November 2021 at 11.00 a.m. (Kenyan Time)] the time of the Technical Proposal submission deadline].” 8. Similarly, the original and one copy Financial Proposal Envelope 2, (Priced Bill of Quantities) (Volumes I to VI (b)) shall be placed inside of a sealed envelope, including an encrypted/password protected soft copy in CD ROM or flash disk, clearly marked “FINANCIAL PROPOSAL” followed by the Tender Name, Tender Number, name and address of the Tenderer, and with a warning “ Do Not Open With The Technical Proposal.” The Tenderer will be requested to send the Keyword/Password after passing and receiving marks for the technical evaluation. 9. The sealed envelopes containing the Technical, Envelope 1, and Financial (Priced Bill of Quantities), Envelope 2 Proposals shall be placed into one outer envelope and sealed. This outer envelope shall bear the submission address, Tender Number and Tender Name and shall be clearly marked “ Do Not Open Before [11:00 a.m. Wednesday, 24 th November 2021]”. The Tenderer’s name and address should not appear on this outer envelope. 10. If the envelopes and packages with the tenders are not sealed and marked as required, the Client will assume no responsibility for the misplacement, loss, or premature opening of the tender.   11. The Tender must be accompanied by a Tender Security (Bank Guarantee) of 2% of the Total Tender Amount or equivalent amount in the currency of the Tender. 12. Tenders must be delivered to the address below,   The Principal Secretary, Ministry of Health, Afya House Building, Cathedral Road, P.O. Box 30016-00100,             NAIROBI.   or be deposited in the Tender Box located on 1 st Floor of Afya House, Ministry of Health, Cathedral Road, Nairobi, so as to be received on or before 11:00 a.m. on Wednesday, 24 th November 2021.   Electronic bidding will not be permitted. Late tenders will be rejected.   13 Technical Proposals will be opened immediately thereafter at the GTZ Boardroom located at Afya House Ground Floor.       Head Supply Chain Management Services For: Principal Secretary                       CONSTRUCTION AND EQUIPPING OF A NEW CANCER DIAGNOSTIC AND TREATMENT CENTRE AT KISII TEACHING AND REFERRAL HOSPITAL Kenya Not cancelled Invitation for Bids Works Wednesday, November 24, 2021- 03:00 BADEA-P809303-08/21 BADEA/O818 MOH/NCCP/ICB/001/2021-2022 General- Construction Medical Facilities Monday, August 23, 2021 English Monday, August 23, 2021- 07:38 Arab Bank for Economic Development in Africa

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