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Eritrea-Asmara: Security service for the Delegation of the European Union to the State of Eritrea Defence & Security Eritrea-Asmara: Security service for the Delegation of the European Union to the State of Eritrea
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Eritrea-Asmara: Security service for the Delegation of the European Union to the State of Eritrea

Eritrea-Asmara: Security service for the Delegation of the European Union to the State of Eritrea has been closed on 28 Feb 2017. It no longer accepts any bids. For further information, you can contact the European Union, Delegation of the European Union to the State of Eritrea (10002374 VAT)

Bellow, you can find more information about this project: 

Location: Eritrea

General information


European Union, Delegation of the European Union to the State of Eritrea (10002374 VAT)


Defence & Security





04 Apr 2017


28 Feb 2017





Head of Administration


+352 43031

+352 4303-1


Contract award notice

Results of the procurement procedure


Legal Basis:
Directive 2014/24/EU

Section I: Contracting authority

I.1)Name and addresses
Official name: European Union, Delegation of the European Union to the State of Eritrea
Postal address: Marsa Teklai Street 192, Zone 2, Subzone 03, House No 20/22, PO Box 5710
Town: Asmara
NUTS code: 00 Not specified
Country: Eritrea
Contact person: Head of Administration
Internet address(es):
Main address:
Address of the buyer profile:
I.4)Type of the contracting authority
European institution/agency or international organisation
I.5)Main activity
General public services

Section II: Object

II.1)Scope of the procurement

Security service for the Delegation of the European Union to the State of Eritrea.

Reference number: EEAS-508-DELERIA-SER-FWC-2017.
II.1.2)Main CPV code
79710000 Security services
II.1.3)Type of contract
II.1.4)Short description:

Provision of security services to the Delegation of the European Union to the State of Eritrea:

— ensure the security of persons and properties for which the Delegation is responsible,

— control of visitor access to buildings occupied by the Delegation and its personnel, including offices and annexes, the residence of the Head of Delegation and accommodation of expatriate staff, general supervision of these buildings to prevent any intrusion or damage to persons and property,

— setting up of regular links between sites to be monitored through regular patrols and periodic radio checks,

— maintenance of equipment and materials (radio network, vehicles) to ensure smooth operation at all times; implementation of a rapid reaction force in case of accident or incident,

— assistance to persons in danger,

— installation and maintenance of alarm and/or security devices in the homes of the expatriates (‘panic buttons’).

II.1.6)Information about lots
This contract is divided into lots: no
II.1.7)Total value of the procurement (excluding VAT)
Value excluding VAT: 3 672 000.00 EUR
II.2.2)Additional CPV code(s)
79714000 Surveillance services
II.2.3)Place of performance
NUTS code: 00 Not specified
Main site or place of performance:

Asmara, Eritrea.

II.2.4)Description of the procurement:

Please refer to point II.1.4.

II.2.5)Award criteria
Quality criterion - Name: Organisation of the services / Weighting: 21
Quality criterion - Name: Organisation of services in case of serious incident / Weighting: 12
Quality criterion - Name: Quality monitoring and evaluation of services / Weighting: 15
Quality criterion - Name: Tenderer's staff loyalty programme / Weighting: 12
Price - Weighting: 40
II.2.11)Information about options
Options: no
II.2.13)Information about European Union funds
The procurement is related to a project and/or programme financed by European Union funds: yes
Identification of the project: EU administrative appropriations.
II.2.14)Additional information

Section IV: Procedure

IV.1.1)Type of procedure
Restricted procedure
IV.1.3)Information about a framework agreement or a dynamic purchasing system
The procurement involves the establishment of a framework agreement
IV.1.8)Information about the Government Procurement Agreement (GPA)
The procurement is covered by the Government Procurement Agreement: no
IV.2)Administrative information
IV.2.1)Previous publication concerning this procedure
Notice number in the OJ S: 2016/S 158-285999
IV.2.8)Information about termination of dynamic purchasing system
IV.2.9)Information about termination of call for competition in the form of a prior information notice

Section V: Award of contract

Contract No: EEAS-508-DELERIA-SER-FWC-2017

Security service for the Delegation of the European Union to the State of Eritrea

A contract/lot is awarded: yes
V.2)Award of contract
V.2.1)Date of conclusion of the contract:
V.2.2)Information about tenders
Number of tenders received: 1
Number of tenders received from SMEs: 0
Number of tenders received from tenderers from other EU Member States: 0
Number of tenders received from tenderers from non-EU Member States: 1
Number of tenders received by electronic means: 0
The contract has been awarded to a group of economic operators: no
V.2.3)Name and address of the contractor
Official name: Warsa Enterprises PLC
National registration number: 10002374 VAT
Postal address: Tiravolo DEB MIE 02 Abeneh Street 43
Town: Asmara
NUTS code: 00 Not specified
Country: Eritrea
The contractor is an SME: no
V.2.4)Information on value of the contract/lot (excluding VAT)
Initial estimated total value of the contract/lot: 3 672 000.00 EUR
Total value of the contract/lot: 3 672 000.00 EUR
V.2.5)Information about subcontracting

Section VI: Complementary information

VI.3)Additional information:
VI.4)Procedures for review
VI.4.1)Review body
Official name: General Court
Postal address: rue du Fort Niedergrünewald
Town: Luxembourg
Postal code: 2925
Country: Luxembourg
Telephone: +352 43031
Fax: +352 43032100
Internet address:
VI.4.3)Review procedure
Precise information on deadline(s) for review procedures:

Within 2 months of the notification to the plaintiff, or, in absence thereof, of the day on which it came to the knowledge. A complaint to the European Ombudsman does not have as an effect either to suspend this period or to open a new period for lodging appeals.

VI.4.4)Service from which information about the review procedure may be obtained
Official name: General Court
Postal address: rue du Fort Niedergrünewald
Town: Luxembourg
Postal code: 2925
Country: Luxembourg
Telephone: +352 4303-1
Fax: +352 4303-2100
Internet address:
VI.5)Date of dispatch of this notice:

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