Establishment of Road Asset Management System (RAMS) For Planning & Prioritizing Roads Maintenance Needs in Lebanon has been closed on 16 Jul 2021.
It no longer accepts any bids. For further information,
you can contact the World Bank Lebanese Republic Council for Development and Reconstruction (CDR) Roads and Employment Project World Bank- Loan Number 8705-LB REQUEST FOR EXPRESSIONS OF INTEREST- EOI (CONSULTING SERVICES– FIRMS SELECTION) Assignment Title: Establishment of Road Asset Management System (RAMS) For Planning & Prioritizing Roads Maintenance Needs in Lebanon. Reference No.: FC014- The Lebanese Republic (hereinafter called “Borrower”) has received US$ 200 million US Dollars, from the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) (the “Bank”) in the form of a “loan” (hereinafter called “loan”) toward the cost of the Roads and Employment Project. The Council for Development and Reconstruction (CDR), the implementing agency of the Government of Lebanon (Lebanese Republic), intends to apply a portion of the proceeds of this loan to eligible payments under the contract for which this Request for Expressions of Interest is issued. Eligible payments will be made by the Bank. Payments by the Bank will be made only at the request of the Lebanese Republic and upon approval by the Bank, and will be subject, in all respects, to the terms and conditions of the loan agreement. The Roads and Employment Project comprises various components, including the Establishment of Road Asset Management System (RAMS) For Planning & Prioritizing Roads Maintenance Needs in Lebanon which, in its turn, includes various sections as shown in the attached Terms of Reference. The objective of the assignment is the provision of consultancy services, training and procurement of goods relating to the Establishment of Road Asset Management System (RAMS) For Planning & Prioritizing Roads Maintenance Needs in Lebanon. Duties and responsibilities are described in the Terms of Reference of the consultancy services. The objective of the assignmnet is to improve the planning and implementation of maintenance works for the international, primary, secondary and tertiary road networks in Lebanon. The CDR now invites eligible consulting firms (“Consultants”) to indicate their interest in providing the Services. Interested Consultants should provide information demonstrating that they have the required qualifications and relevant experience to perform the Services. The short listing criteria are: (Consultants brochures, detailed description of similar assignments, proven experience in similar conditions, availability of appropriate skills among staff and so forth). The Consultant is expected to have a sound knowledge of road asset management, data collection techniques, calibration and validation processes and relevant previous experiences in the subject matter. The Consultant shall present at least three (3) relevant and successful implemenation of projects in the last 10 years. More details on the Consultancy Services are provided in the attached Terms of Reference. Consultants may associate with other firms in the form of a joint venture (no more than 2 partners in a JV) or a sub Consultancy to enhance their qualifications. In case of a Joint Venture, the partners should have complementary experience with respective effort level for such assignment. Shortlisted Consultants will be invited to submit their proposals, upon which a Consultant will be selected in accordance with the (QCBS) method set out in the “Procurement Regulations for IFP Borrowers”, July 2016- Revision of November 2017. Further information can be obtained at the address below during office hours (9:00 AM to 2:00 PM). The Deadline for receiving EOIs is to be 16/07/2021 at 12:00 noon, Beirut local time. Expressions of Interest must be delivered to the address below by hand or carrier. Consultants have to submit one original EOI and two copies. Address: Council for Development and Reconstruction (CDR) Tenders Department Tallet El Serail, Beirut Central District Beirut- Lebanon Telephone: (+961-01-980096) Facsimile number: (+961-01-981255) Roads and Employment Project Lebanon Not cancelled QCBS- Quality And Cost-Based Selection Request for Expression of Interest Consulting Services- Firm Friday, July 16, 2021- 12:00 WB-P769023-06/21 IBRD87050, TFA4481 FC014 P160223 General- Transportation Roads, Bridges and Tunnels Thursday, June 24, 2021 OP00134958 English Thursday, June 24, 2021- 10:38 Council for Development and Reconstruction Wafa Charafeddine Tallet Al Serail, Riad El Solh P.O.Box: 3170/11, Beirut, Lebanon 9611981380
[email protected] Rural and Inter-Urban Roads, Public Administration- Transportation World Bank Tuesday, June 22, 2021- 20:00 IBRD/IDA Loans (PE) Council for Development and Reconstruction USD 2000000.00 Establishment of Road Asset Management System (RAMS) For Planning & Prioritizing Roads Maintenance Needs in Lebanon Funding Division Director proc_voc_id: 81101510 proc_voc_title: Highway engineering seg_id: 81000000 seg_title: Engineering and Research and Technology Based Services family_id: 81100000 family_title: Professional engineering services class_id: 81101500 class_title: Civil engineering cmdty_id: 81101510 cmdty_title: Highway engineering