LRPS-2021-9168315 - LTA for Warehousing Services has been closed on 27 Jul 2021. It no longer accepts any bids. For further information, you can contact the United Nations Capital Development Fund
Bellow, you can find more information about this project:
Location: Lebanon
United Nations Capital Development Fund
Transport & Logistics
06 Jul 2021
27 Jul 2021
Not available
Bassam Antoun
UNICEF Lebanon is intending to establish “LTA for Warehousing Services” as stipulated in the attached tender document, Annex 1- Terms of Reference and Annex 2- Pricing List.
Hence, we hereby invite you to submit your proposal for LRPS-2021-9168315.
Proposals must be sent to the following secured email ONLY ( no later than Tuesday 27 July 2021, 12:00h.
Proposals must be sent in two separate emails; one technical and one financial.
- Email for technical proposal:
Subject line of the email must indicate: LRPS number (LRPS-2021-9168315) - name of your company- technical proposal. The email must include: The technical proposal only without prices.
- Email for price proposal:
Subject line of the email must indicate: LRPS number (LRPS-2021-9168315) - name of your company- price proposal. The email must include: The price proposal.
Please refer to Annex 2- Pricing List for pricing. Please submit your price proposal in both; excel and signed PDF formats.
Proposals sent in another manner will be considered invalid.
Please note that any inquiries related to this request will be acceptable through e-mail ONLY ( & by 15 July 2021 the latest. Inquiries through phone call will not be considered.
Kindly make sure that LRPS reference number LRPS-2021-9168315 is mentioned in your e-mail.
Please fill the attached MDM form and provide a bank letter for your bank account details.
Please confirm receipt of this email and your intention to bid.
Attachments :
Annex 1 – Terms of Reference
Annex 2 – Pricing List
MDM Form
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