Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia-Delcevo: Petroleum products, fuel, electricity and other sources of energy has been closed on 16 Jan 2017. It no longer accepts any bids. For further information, you can contact the Municipality Delcevo (2320)
Bellow, you can find more information about this project:
Location: Macedonia
Municipality Delcevo (2320)
Oil & Gas
23 Dec 2016
16 Jan 2017
Not available
+389 33411550
Contract notice – utilities
Section I: Contracting entity
Internet address(es):
Main address:
Section II: Object
Supply of light heating oil.
Supply of light heating oil for Municipality of Delcevo, the Secondary School, “Metodi Mitevski“ - Brico Delcevo, the Primary School “St. Kliment Ohridski”, Delcevo, the Primary School ”Vanco Prke”, Delcevo the kindergarten: “Veseli Cvetovi”, Delcevo.
Supply of light heating oil for the Municipality of Delcevo, the Secondary School “Metodi Mitevski“ - Brico Delcevo, the Primary School “St. Kliment Ohridski”, Delcevo, the Primary School ”Vanco Prke”, Delcevo the kindergarten: “Veseli Cvetovi”, Delcevo. The payment shall be made within 30 calendar days after delivery of the goods and the invoice.
The payment will be performed by the Municipality of Delcevo from their account, the Secondary School “Metodi Mitevski“ - Brico Delcevo, the Primary School “St. Kliment Ohridski” , Delcevo, the Primary School ”Vanco Prke”, Delcevo the kindergarten: “Veseli Cvetovi”, Delcevo from their accounts and through block grants from the Ministry of education and Science of RM.
Section III: Legal, economic, financial and technical information
Personal status.
The contracting authority shall exclude from the procedure for awarding a public procurement contract any economic operator:
— that in the last 5 years has had a legally effective judgment for participation in a criminal organization, corruption, fraud or money laundering;
— has been imposed a minor penalty on participation in public bidding procedures, awarding public procurement contracts and contracts for public-private partnership;
— has been imposed a temporary or permanent ban on performing certain activities;
— that is under bankruptcy or a liquidation procedure;
— that has unpaid taxes and other public charges, unless the economic operator has been granted deferred payment of taxes, contributions or other public duties in accordance with special regulations and pays them regularly;
— who has a misdemeanor sanction prohibition to perform a profession, activity or duty, or prohibition to perform certain activity;
— that presents false information or fails to provide information requested by the contracting authority.
To prove its personal standing, the operator shall submit the following documents:
— Statement by the economic operator that he hasn't had any effective sentence for participation in criminal organization, corruption, fraud or money laundering in the last 5 years;
— Confirmation by a competent authority that no bankruptcy procedure was started;
— Confirmation by a competent authority that no liquidation procedure was started;
— Confirmation of paid taxes and other public charges from the competent authority of the country where the economic operator is established;
— Certificate from the Register of penalties for criminal acts of legal persons that he has not been imposed with a penalty for participation in public bidding procedures, awarding publThe economic operator with 1 or more negative references, the group of economic operators with a member- economic operator with a negative reference, as well as an economic operator representing an associated company with an economic operator with a negative reference, is not eligible to participate.
Any interested local and foreign legal and physical person — Bidder, which is registered to perform the activity related to the subject of the public contract, is entitled to submit an offer.
A group of tenderers with no obligation to join in a legal form also has the right to submit an offer. The contracting authority will not require the group of tenderers to join in certain legal form if it is selected as the winner of the procurement.
An integral part of the group offer is a contract to submit a joint tender by which the members of the group of economic operators are obliged mutually towards the contracting authority for execution of the public contract.
This agreement must contain the following information: the member of the group that will be leaders of the group or will submit the bid and will represent the group, the member of the group that on behalf of the group of economic operators will sign the public procurement, the member of the group that will issue an invoice and an account for the payments, a brief description of the responsibilities of each member of the group of economic operators to carry out the contract.
All members of the group of tenderers are individually and solidary responsible to the contracting authority for the execution of their duties. The contracting authority will communicate with the representative of the group of bidders.
Note: At the time of submission of the bid all members of the group should be registered in the Electronic System of Public Procurement.
The economic operator within the same procedure for awarding a public procurement can participate in only 1 bid. All bids will be rejected if the economic operator:
— Participates in more than 1 individual and / or as a member of a group bid; or
— Participates as a subcontractor in another individual and / or as a member of a group bid.
Economic and financial state.
To qualify as capable of performing the contract for public procurement in terms of its economic and financial situation, the economic operator should meet the following minimum requirement:
— to have achieved revenue of not less than the appraised value of supply in at least 1 of the last 3 years.
In case the economic operator performs its duty in period shorter than 3 years, a minimum requirement for determining the economic and financial condition of the economic operator is to have achieved the requirement of paragraph 1 in the years for which data are available.
— Extract from the overall turnover (data from the income statement issued by a competent authority, ie audited income statement) and, where appropriate, from the turnover in the area covered by a public procurement contract for maximum the last 3 financial years for which such information is available, depending on the date on which the company was founded or started working and depending on the availability of such information.
Technical or professional ability.
To qualify as capable of performing the contract for public procurement in terms of its technical or professional ability, the economic operator should meet the following minimum requirement:
— Experience in successfully realized contracts related to the subject of procurement in the last 3 years.
— A list of successfully completed contracts relating to the subject of procurement in the last 3 years with values of contracts, dates of signing, buyers (contracting authorities or economic operators) by providing service delivery issued by recipients, or, if such certificates can not be provided for reasons beyond the control of the economic operator, only a statement of the performed deliveries.
Only authorized representatives of bidders may participate in the procedure of public opening of bids by giving their remarks in the minutes of opening of bids.
The authorized representatives of the economic operators at the public opening must have an authorization signed by the responsible person of the economic operator. All authorized representatives of economic operators, attending the public opening, should sign an attendance sheet.
The Public Procurement Commission will commence the public opening of bids even if there is only 1 bid.
During the opening of the bids, minutes are taken according to the Rules of procedure for opening the bids and the Form of the minutes of opening of bids (‘Official Gazette’ No 154/07).
Section IV: Procedure
The power of attorney shall be deemed valid if annexed in:
a) Electronically signed with a digital certificate of the manager;
b) In scanned form with the seal and signature of the manager; or
c) In paper form with the seal and signature of the manager.
Municipality Delchevo.
Any interested person can attend the public opening of bids.
Only authorized representatives of bidders may participate in the procedure of public opening of bids by giving their remarks in the minutes of opening of bids.
The authorized representatives of the economic operators at the public opening must have an authorization signed by the responsible person of the economic operator. All authorize.
Section VI: Complementary information
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