Immersive Learning for Freemen's Global - 2 Classrooms has been closed on 25 May 2022.
It no longer accepts any bids. For further information,
you can contact the City of London Corporation's Board formally approved the creation of 'Freemen's Global' in November 2021, endorsing the partnership model based on immersive learning technology and appropriate investment.
The aims of Freemen's Global are twofold:
1. The creation of a genuinely global learning and development opportunity for both UK and Global pupils and opportunity to participate in a global alumni network
2. The generation of a financial surplus from year three to increase Freemen's Bursary and Development funds.
The School requires a technology solution which replicates the engaging, personalised and immersive experience of studying at Freemen's for remote learners.
This is a huge step beyond the traditional distance learning models offered by schools and universities for many years which are essentially 'self-paced learning' with tutorial support.
It is hard to define the term immersive learning' but we summarise the requirements here in terms of the experience of learners in a classroom.
a) Educational requirements:
- Two immersive learning teaching spaces to open mid-August 2022
- Facility must support all aspects of teaching for the distant learners
- Distant learners to experience the same interaction with staff as local learners
- Distant learners to be able to participate in group and collaborate learning, in combined groups, and to feel engaged
- One to one interaction with tutors to be possible during integrated lessons
b) Technical requirements:
- A 'turnkey' facility / project where supplier takes all risk of integrations.
- Each room to accommodate 16 distant learners
- One room to be located in conference space in Freemen's Main House, second in science block
- Facility must include all cameras, screens (sufficient to enable life size talking heads), microphones and sound equipment, all control equipment
- For the room in science block we welcome suggestions to facilitate the filming of experimental demonstrations
- Full package of training for both technicians and teachers
- Full package of support
- Full delivery, installation, commissioning, and start-up support
- Interactive tools must integrate with the MS Teams platform
- Technology solution must integrate with Schools existing network and technologies
- The provisioning of login data to the proposed system must have the potential to draw data from the school's SchoolBase pupil record system (which holds pupil, timetable, subject, and staffing information.)Status: activeStreet address: Guildhall Locality: LondonPostal code: EC2P 2EJCountry: England