Media Production for Training and Education has been closed on 13 Jun 2022.
It no longer accepts any bids. For further information,
you can contact the Plymouth Marjon University of St Mark & St John (The University) requires a contractor to provide Media Production for Training and Education services under a three year Contract, with the option extend by a further two one year periods.
Marjon was founded on, and continues to has a strong reputation for our teacher education programmes and our expertise in pedagogy.
We have a growing digital and online offer in both training and education across our full range of subject areas, including Health, Business, Sport and Education.
Marjon is seeking a media production partner to help us produce engaging and vibrant learning materials on a project-by-project, need-arising basis over the next three years.
Activities are likely to be centred on studio-based filming activity in the main, but also animation and other approaches where appropriate.
The estimated value of the Agreement is between £300,000 - £750,000
Plymouth Marjon University proposes to enter-into a Contract for an initial period of three (3) years, and an option to extend for up to a further two (2) years, extensions will be made in one (1) year extension periods.
Please see Tender Pack for full details of the requirements.
Bidders are invited to attend a MS Teams Meet the Buyer Event.
This will be held on 26th May at 11:00.
Please email
[email protected] to confirm your attendance.
Based on its outstanding reputation for pedagogy and the quality of its learning and teaching experience, Plymouth Marjon University has a growing requirement to produce online and blended learning short courses at undergraduate and postgraduate level.
These courses may be both accredited and non-accredited at a variety of academic levels.
Marjon has the required design expertise and experience for such courses in-house, but we are seeking a partner to work with us on the media production elements.
Our short courses need to be highly engaging, visually appealing and use media to enhance the learning and teaching experience.
We envisage a mix of filming our subject matter experts presenting to camera, augmented with graphics, stock footage and animations where appropriate.Status: activeStreet address: Derriford Road,Derriford Locality: PLYMOUTHPostal code: PL68BHCountry: England