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Lease of Office Space within Region 5 using RLP #21-REG05 - OFFICE SPACE in Chicago, Illinois
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Lease of Office Space within Region 5 using RLP #21-REG05 - OFFICE SPACE in Chicago, Illinois

Lease of Office Space within Region 5 using RLP #21-REG05 - OFFICE SPACE in Chicago, Illinois has been closed on 07 Sep 2021. It no longer accepts any bids. For further information, you can contact the GENERAL SERVICES ADMINISTRATION.PUBLIC BUILDINGS SERVICE.PBS R5

Bellow, you can find more information about this project: 

Location: United States

General information




Real Estate





28 Jun 2021


07 Sep 2021


Not available



David J. Rauen




This advertisement is hereby incorporated into the RLP 21-REG05 by way of reference as an RLP attachment.

U.S. GOVERNMENT seeks to lease the following office space through the Automated Advanced Acquisition Program (AAAP):

City:                                         Chicago

State                                        Illinois

Delineated Area                       

North: west on Division Avenue, south on LaSalle Street, west on Chicago Avenue

South: Roosevelt Road

East: Lake Michigan

West: Halsted Street

Minimum ABOA Sq. Ft.              56,180

Maximum ABOA Sq. Ft.:            58,989

Space Type:                               OFFICE

Term*                                       15 years/13 years firm

*Offerors are encouraged to submit rates for all terms available in the AAAP for consideration against future GSA requirements.

Agency Unique Requirements

Any building offering space must have a minimum floorplate of 20,000 ABOA square feet and the entire space must be vertically contiguous on the same elevator bank.

Column spacing in the offered space must be a minimum of twenty (20) feet on center

Phased construction or swing space will not be accepted

Twenty-seven (27) structured parking spaces within two blocks of the offered building is required

Any offered building must have a 24-hour security guard/station in the lobby that checks identification and registers all individuals entering building or 24 hour controlled building/parking access that includes an elevator card control system

The office space, elevator and the parking must be accessible twenty-four (24) hours a day, seven (7) days a week.

Agency Tenant Improvement Allowance

Existing leased space:               $_54.69_ per ABOA SF

Other locations offered:              $_54.69_ per ABOA SF

Building Specific Amortized Capital (BSAC)

Existing leased space:               $_12.00_ per ABOA SF

Other locations offered:              $_12.00_ per ABOA SF



Entities are advised to familiarize themselves with the telecommunications prohibitions outlined under Section 889 of the FY19 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), as implemented by Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR). For more information, visit:

In addition, entities are advised to familiarize themselves with the AAAP FY21 Request for Lease Proposals and AAAP Lease updates resulting from COVID-19, which calls for increased janitorial services.

It is highly recommended that offerors start the SAM registration process ASAP. Refer to RLP Clause 3.06, Item 7.

(If applicable) The Government intends to award a Lease to an Offeror of a Building that is in compliance with Seismic Standards. Section 2.03 of the Request for Lease Proposals (RLP) outlines compliance activities required for all leases in moderate or high seismic zones. To determine if your property lies in a moderate or high zone, please reference the map and documents on our website. 


The Automated Advanced Acquisition Program (AAAP), located at, will enable interested parties to offer space for lease to the Federal Government in response to RLP 21-REG05.  In addition, the Government will use its AAAP to satisfy the above space requirement.

Interested parties must go to the AAAP website, select the “Register to Offer Space” link and follow the instructions to register.  Instructional guides and video tutorials are offered on the AAAP homepage and in the “HELP” tab on the AAAP website. Once registered, interested parties may enter offers during any “Open Period”. For technical assistance with AAAP, email [email protected].

The Open Period is the 1st through the 7th of each month, ending at 7:30 p.m. (ET) unless otherwise stated by the Government and unless the 7th falls on a weekend or Federal Holiday. If the 7th falls on a weekend or Federal Holiday, the Open Period will end at 7:30 PM (ET) on the next business day. Refer to AAAP RLP paragraph 3.02.A for more details on the offer submission process. The Government reserves the right to allow for multiple Open Periods prior to selecting an offer for award to meet this specific space requirement.  Offers cannot be submitted during the Closed Period and will not be considered for projects executed during that time period.  For this procurement the July, August and September Open Periods will be used to collect offers.

Lease award will be made to the lowest price, technically acceptable offer, without negotiations, based upon the requirements in this advertisement and in the RLP requirements package found on the AAAP website.  During an Open Period, offerors will be permitted to submit new offers or modify existing offers.  Offerors can draft an offer at any time; however, you can only submit an offer during the Open Period.

The offered space must comply with the requirements in this advertisement and RLP 21-REG05 and must meet Federal Government, State, and Local jurisdiction requirements, including requirements for fire and life safety, security, accessibility, seismic, energy, and sustainability standards in accordance with the terms of the Lease.  The Lease and all documents that constitute the Lease package can be found at

 If you have previously submitted an offer in FY 2020, the AAAP application has a copy feature which will allow existing offers to be copied over to the FY 2021 RLP in order to avoid having to re-enter all of the data manually. Please be sure to review FY21 AAAP RLP Package and each page within the AAAP Application prior to submitting your offer as some of the questions have changed. You must re-enter your space and rates on the ‘Space and Rates’ tab in the AAAP. Your previous offered space will not be copied.

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