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Mali-Bamako: Technical assistance for preparing an architectural and technical study, drawing up invitation to tender dossiers, supporting the evaluation of tenders, and inspecting the works Consumer Goods & Services Mali-Bamako: Technical assistance for preparing an architectural and technical study, drawing up invitation to tender dossiers, supporting the evaluation of tenders, and inspecting the works
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Mali-Bamako: Technical assistance for preparing an architectural and technical study, drawing up invitation to tender dossiers, supporting the evaluation of tenders, and inspecting the works

Ministry of Foreign Affairs, African Integration and International Cooperation, EDF National Authorising Officer has announced a winner on 01 Jan 1970 for the following project: Mali-Bamako: Technical assistance for preparing an architectural and technical study, drawing up invitation to tender dossiers, supporting the evaluation of tenders, and inspecting the works.

The amount allocated for this project has not been disclosed. During this time, the company will be responsible to fulfill its obligations, as stated in the Terms and Conditions. Anyone who wish to appeal this decision can contact Ministry of Foreign Affairs, African Integration and International Cooperation, EDF National Authorising Officer

Bellow, you can find more information about the project:

Location: Mali

General information


Ministry of Foreign Affairs, African Integration and International Cooperation, EDF National Authorising Officer


Consumer Goods & Services


Contract award



30 Mar 2016


Not available


Not available



Service contract award notice

Location — Mali

 1.Publication reference:

 2.Date of publication of the contract notice:

 3.Lot number and title:

Technical assistance for preparing an architectural and technical study, drawing up invitation to tender dossiers, supporting the evaluation of tenders, and inspecting the construction and rehabilitation works at the High Courts and Magistrates' Courts, the main detention centre in Bamako, and the correction and education centre in Bollé.
 4.Contract value:

698 190 EUR.
 5.Date of contract award:

 6.Number of tenders received:

 7.Overall score of selected tender:

 8.Name, address and nationality of the successful tenderer:

Ingennus Urban Consulting SIP (en consortium avec Girus SAS/La Soudanaise), domicilié au 17, Calle Alfonso I, 50003 Saragosse (Saragosse), SPAIN.
 9.Contract duration:

30 months.
 10.Contracting authority:

Ministry of Foreign Affairs, African Integration and International Cooperation, EDF National Authorising Officer, Bamako, MALI.
 11.Legal basis:

ACP-EC Partnership Agreement signed in Cotonou on 23.6.2000, as amended on 25.6.2005 and 22.6.2010 (Annex IV).

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