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Montenegro-Cetinje: EIB - Supply and installation of water supply pipeline
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Montenegro-Cetinje: EIB - Supply and installation of water supply pipeline

Montenegro-Cetinje: EIB - Supply and installation of water supply pipeline has been closed on 10 Dec 2017. It no longer accepts any bids. For further information, you can contact the “Vodovod i kanalizacija-Cetinje“ Ltd

Bellow, you can find more information about this project: 

Location: Montenegro

General information


“Vodovod i kanalizacija-Cetinje“ Ltd







31 Aug 2017


10 Dec 2017


Not available





Old Royal Capital Cetinje - Montenegro

Title of Project: Supply and installation of water supply pipeline in the streets Mojkovacka and Bajicka - Cetinje

The Employer: “Vodovod i kanalizacija-Cetinje“ Ltd, Cetinje, Montenegro

Montenegro (hereinafter referred to as “the Borrower”) has received a loan from the European Investment Bank – EIB (hereinafter referred to as “the Bank”) towards the cost of the “Montenegro Water and Sanitation” Project. This International Invitation for Tenders relates to the contract for “Supply and installation of water supply pipeline in the streets Mojkovacka and Bajicka - Cetinje”. Estimated value of the contract is EUR 1,500,000 (one million and five hundred thousands) excluding Value Added Tax (VAT).

This contract will include:

Reconstruction and construction of water supply pipelines, in the approximate length of 3,5 km, based on the detailed designs for reconstruction of water supply installations in the streets Mojkovacka and Bajicka in the Old Royal Capital of Cetinje (2017). In order to build water supply infrastructure, it will be necessary to carry out works on the relocation of existing electrical installations in these streets.

The Works Contract will be implemented as per FIDIC Red Book Conditions of Contract, First Edition 1999.

This contract is expected to be implemented within 90 days plus 730 days of Defect Notification Period (DNP) = Commencement Date + 90 days + DNP. Tentative start date of the contract is October 2017.

The criteria to be used in the tender evaluation are:

SELECTION/QUALIFICATION CRITERIA (Note: Qualification criteria and submission of proof are described in more details in the tender documents):


- Firms originating from all countries of the world are eligible to submit tenders.

- Tenderers shall meet the eligibility requirements set forth in Tender document (ITT 4 and Section 1.3 Evaluation and Qualification Criteria).

Economic and financial capacity of candidate (tenderer):

- The annual operating profit of the Tenderer must be positive for the previous 3 (three) financially closed years.

- The Tenderer shall have an average annual turnover over the last 3 (three) financially closed years of not less than EUR 3.0 million (three million euro) equivalent.

- The Tenderer shall demonstrate that it has access to, or has available, financial means sufficient to meet the construction cash flow for the contract for a period of 45 (forty five) days, estimated as not less than EUR 500,000 (five hundred thousands) equivalent, taking into account the applicant's commitments for other contracts.

Technical and professional capacity of candidate:

- The Tenderer must have experience under contracts in the role of contractor for the last 3 (three) years prior to the tender submission deadline, and with activity in at least 8 (eight) months in each year.

- The Tenderer (in the case of JVCA, all partners references count) must have completed as a prime contractor (lead company in a JVCA) at least one works contract of the same nature (water supply or wastewater pipeline construction), over the last 5 (five) years prior to the submission deadline.

The works must have included construction of 3.5 km (three kilometres and five hundred meters) of water supply or wastewater pipeline (minimum diameter of pipes 200 mm), with a value of EUR 500,000 (five hundred thousand) equivalent.

The Tenderer can submit up to 3 (three) reference projects. If the Tenderer submits only one project as a valid reference, that project must meet all characteristics. If the Tenderer submits more than one reference project, the projects combined must meet all characteristics.

Tenderer’s key personnel (Contractor’s Representative, Site Manager, Hydraulic/Civil Engineer, Electrical Engineer (Low Voltage), Electrical Engineer (High Voltage) and Geodetic Surveyor) must have appropriate qualifications, skills and experience (as defined in the tender document).

At the moment of tender submission, the Tenderer must be accredited and registered for such type of activity by the national accreditation authorities of his country.

At the moment of Contract signing (or the latest on the Commencement Date), the Contractor will have to be accredited (authorised), registered and he (including his personnel) shall have all professional licence(s), certificate(s) (or right) necessary for the execution of the contracted Works, in accordance with the relevant legislation of Montenegro.

Tenderers shall prove availability of suitable equipment for the proposed contract.


The Employer shall award the Contract to the Tenderer whose offer has been determined to be the lowest evaluated tender and is substantially responsive to the tender document, provided further that the Tenderer is determined to be qualified to perform the Contract satisfactorily.

Interested eligible Tenderers may obtain further information from, and inspect the Tender Documents at:

“Vodovod i kanalizacija-Cetinje“ Ltd

Attention: Mr. Predrag Ratković

Street Address: Obilića poljana bb

City: Old Royal Capital of Cetinje

Postal Code: 81250

Country: Montenegro

Fax number: +382 41 232 038

E-mail address:,,

The tenderers are advised to send all written correspondence to all e-mail addresses.

A complete set of Tender Documents (instructions for downloading the electronic version of the tender documents will be provided) may be purchased on the submission of an application to the above address (bearing the name of the project) and upon payment of a non-refundable fee of EUR 200 (two hundred euro) to:

For the local companies: 530-1998-33 (NLB bank)

For the foreign companies: IBAN Code - ME25530005350005007807

A Tender Security of EUR 30.000 (thirty thousand) fulfilling the conditions indicated in the Tender Documents must accompany all tenders.

A pre-tender meeting and site visit, is envisaged to take place on 15th September 2017 at 12:00 CET in the Old Royal Capital of Cetinje.

All tenders must be delivered in closed envelopes bearing the mention “Supply and installation of water supply pipeline in the streets Mojkovacka and Bajicka - Cetinje - Ref. No: 3701, not later than 12th October 2017 at 11:00 CET (Central European Time - Cetinje Time) at the following address:

“Vodovod i kanalizacija-Cetinje“ Ltd, Obilića poljana bb, 81250 Old Royal Capital of Cetinje, Montenegro

Tenders will be opened on 12th October 2017 at 11:30 CET in the premises of “Vodovod i kanalizacija-Cetinje“ Ltd, in presence of Tenderers representatives who choose to attend.

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