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Norway-Mo i Rana: Health and social work services Pharmaceutical & Medical Norway-Mo i Rana: Health and social work services
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Norway-Mo i Rana: Health and social work services

ARBEIDS- OG VELFERDSETATEN (NAV) (889640782) has announced on 28 Sep 2021 that is accepting bids for the following project: Norway-Mo i Rana: Health and social work services.

The tender will take place in Norway and will cover the Pharmaceutical & Medical industry.

The value of this project has not been disclosed by the donor and you can apply until Deadline date

After the deadline, Global Database will announce the contract award for Norway-Mo i Rana: Health and social work services. In order to stay up-to-date with this tender and also to receive daily notifications about similar projects, you can subscribe to our newsletter for free.

Bellow you can find more information about the tender description and the bidding procedure.

Location: Norway

General information




Pharmaceutical & Medical


Accepting bids



28 Sep 2021


Not available


Not available



Samuel Viljar Nordengen


Prior information notice

This notice is for prior information only


Legal Basis:
Directive 2014/24/EU

Section I: Contracting authority

I.1)Name and addresses
National registration number: 889640782
Postal address: Postboks 354
Town: Mo i Rana
NUTS code: NO Norge
Postal code: 8601
Country: Norway
Contact person: Samuel Viljar Nordengen
E-mail: [email protected]
Internet address(es):
Main address:
Address of the buyer profile:
Additional information can be obtained from the abovementioned address
I.4)Type of the contracting authority
Ministry or any other national or federal authority, including their regional or local subdivisions
I.5)Main activity
General public services

Section II: Object

II.1)Scope of the procurement

RFI and information about work-related rehabilitation (ARR) in Innlandet

Reference number: 21/14269
II.1.2)Main CPV code
85000000 Health and social work services
II.1.3)Type of contract
II.1.4)Short description:

NAV Tiltak Innlandet [Norwegian Labour and Welfare Administration Initiative Innlandet] invites interested actors in the market to provide input to our coming procurement of the labour-market measure work-related rehabilitation (ARR) in Innlandet. At the same time, we also want to give the market an early warning of when the procurement will take place.

The RFI consists of the following documents:

- Request for information (RFI) 

- Appendix 1 - Requirement specification for the ARR measure

NAV Tiltak Innlandet encourages interested actors in the market to familiarise themselves with the documents attached to this notice, and to provide input to the RFI if it is relevant.

Note that this RFI process is not to be considered part of the impending procurement process nor is it directly regulated in the procurement rules. Final decisions and choices regarding the procurement and the procurement process have not been made at the present time. The response to this RFI will not be binding for the supplier or NAV Tiltak Innlandet in relation to any later procurement.

II.1.5)Estimated total value
II.1.6)Information about lots
This contract is divided into lots: no
II.2.3)Place of performance
NUTS code: NO020 Innlandet
II.2.4)Description of the procurement:

Information about new procurement of the ARR initiative in Innlandet

NAV Tiltak Innlandet hereby gives the actors in the market a common, early warning that the framework agreements for the ARR measure will be re-announced in the market in autumn 2021, with planned contract entry early in 2022.

The current contracts are divided into four service areas, and commencement for the pending framework agreement will be different in the four service areas. The current framework agreements in Innlandet started in 2019 and 2021.

The reason that the ARR measure will be reannounced in autumn 2021 is that NAV's need for the measure has proven to be greater than estimated prior to entering into the contracts.

The pending procurement of the ARR measure in Innlandet will be in accordance with PPR part IV.

Collect information and input from the actors in the market

NAV Tiltak Innlandet requests input from the market on the following aspect of the pending procurement of the ARR measure:

Input about the requirement specification for the ARR measure

The requirement specification for the labour-market measure work-related rehabilitation (ARR) follows a centralised template, common for all Norwegian Labour and Welfare Administration entities. The requirement specification forms a framework for the ARR measure, as described in the initiative regulation chapter 12.

NAV Tiltak Innlandet refers to the requirement specification, attached to this RFI as Appendix 1, as well as the initiative regulation chapter 12, and requests input on improvements or adjustments to the requirement specification, that according to the actors’ understanding will support the purposes and content of the measure, as stated in the initiative regulation chapter 12.

Input about the aware criteria ‘Price’

NAV Tiltak Innlandet traditionally evaluates the award criteria ‘Price’ for the ARR measure based on relevant tenderers’ hourly rate per participant in the measure. The tenderers are asked to give an hourly rate per participant. The hourly rate must include all costs the tenderer will be paid for, everything from wages - travel - administration - lease costs etc.

NAV Tiltak requests input on improvements or adjustments to the price model for the ARR measure, including whether the actors in the market have other suggestions for price structure.

Input about the award criteria ‘Quality’

The Norwegian Labour and Welfare Administration and subsidiary entities often use the following award criteria to evaluate the tenders in the award criteria ‘Quality’:

‘Assignment comprehension, content of the service, work methods, individual adaptation, organisation, and strategy for cooperation with employers in connection with work trialling.’

NAV Tiltak Innlandet refers to the requirement specification, attached to this RFI as Appendix 1, as well as the initiative regulation chapter 12, and requests input on improvements or adjustments of the award criteria quality. Hereunder, NAV Tiltak Innlandet requests the actors to assess the changes or adjustments that to a large degree are suitable to bring forth relative advantages and disadvantages of different solutions, as well as formulations that make the award criteria easier to understand and comply with for the actors in the market.


NAV Tiltak Innlandet wants the actors in the market to email their responses as a Word document, clearly stating which parts of NAV Tiltak Innlandet's request for information (requirement specification, the award criteria price and quality), is being responded to.

The response will be an official document. If the tenderer believes there is information in the response that should be omitted from any free access to information, we ask that it is delivered in a separate response that is censored.

The response should be sent via email to [email protected]

The last deadline to submit a response is Friday 8 October 2021, 10:00. 

II.2.14)Additional information
II.3)Estimated date of publication of contract notice:

Section IV: Procedure

IV.1.8)Information about the Government Procurement Agreement (GPA)
The procurement is covered by the Government Procurement Agreement: yes

Section VI: Complementary information

VI.3)Additional information:
VI.5)Date of dispatch of this notice:

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