Tender Details
The Tuncurry Slipway has a legacy of boat building and vessel maintenance predating its sale to the fisherman’s Co-op in 1950. It is currently used to dry dock vessels for boat maintenance and repair, including antifouling of hulls. The slipway currently lacks modern environmental controls and recent pollution incidents have threatened the closure of the slipway.
The slipway is proposed to be upgraded through an expansion of the Site footprint, upgrade of the existing infrastructure and removal of previously identified contaminated material. Due to closures of slipways in the surrounding area, an upgrade to the Tuncurry Slipway is necessary to meet demand and provide ongoing vessel maintenance facilities in the future. Minimal environmental controls at the site has resulted in localised contamination, particularly Tributyltin and heavy metals impacts to soils and sediment at the site. As such environmental controls will need to be implemented as part of the upgrade to facilitate the continuing operation of the slipway.
The suggested strategy for remediation involves removal of the contaminated soil and sediment beneath the existing concrete slab and within the toe of the slipway for off-site disposal at landfill. For this reason, it is also timely and practical to replace the deteriorated slipway infrastructure.
States and Territories: ACT, NT, QLD, SA, TAS, VIC, WA
RFT Type
Additional Details / Instructions
A compulsory pre-tender meeting will be held on-site at 12pm, Thursday 28 March 2019. See attachment 'Tuncurry Slipway Location' for site details.
Address for Lodgement