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WYCA Integrated Corporate Systems - ERP Technology Information Technology, Finance & Insurance WYCA Integrated Corporate Systems - ERP Technology
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WYCA Integrated Corporate Systems - ERP Technology

WYCA Integrated Corporate Systems - ERP Technology has been closed on 13 Nov 2020. It no longer accepts any bids. For further information, you can contact the West Yorkshire Combined Authority

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Location: United Kingdom

General information


West Yorkshire Combined Authority


Information Technology

Finance & Insurance





12 Oct 2020


13 Nov 2020


Not available



Matthew Hoyle




The Integrated Corporate Systems (ICS) is part of West Yorkshire Combined Authority's (CA) Corporate Technology Strategy (CTS). This is an internal system to aid Finance, Purchasing, HR and Payroll activities, overall management information. Given the current challenges of Local Authority governance, the CA is in a strong position to provide improved value across the region. Technology offers opportunities for greater efficiencies, better communications and improved productivity. The successful implementation within the CA is essential to the organisation's future. Technology will enable the CA to implement its Corporate Plan, for staff to work increasingly closely with delivery partners and for the organisation to understand and interact with its customers better. As a relatively small organisation, the ability to change quickly is a key strength, this should be supported by, not held back the technology solutions. Current technology being used by the CA has been in place for many years. The CA's activities have changed and are growing significantly. The CA needs to be able to offer significant value and support to its partners.

Status: active

Street address: 40-50 Wellington Street Leeds
Locality: West Yorkshire
Postal code: LS1 2DE
Country: United Kingdom

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