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Norway-Vadsø: Infusion pumps

Sykehusinnkjøp HF (916879067) has announced on 16 Apr 2021 that is accepting bids for the following project: Norway-Vadsø: Infusion pumps.

The tender will take place in Norway and will cover the Pharmaceutical & Medical industry.

The value of this project has not been disclosed by the donor and you can apply until Deadline date

After the deadline, Global Database will announce the contract award for Norway-Vadsø: Infusion pumps. In order to stay up-to-date with this tender and also to receive daily notifications about similar projects, you can subscribe to our newsletter for free.

Bellow you can find more information about the tender description and the bidding procedure.

General information
Sykehusinnkjøp HF (916879067)
Pharmaceutical & Medical
Accepting bids
Not available
16 Apr 2021
Not available
Postmottak Sykehusinnkjøp
+47 78950700
Not available

Prior information notice

This notice is for prior information only


Legal Basis:
Directive 2014/24/EU

Section I: Contracting authority

I.1)Name and addresses
Official name: Sykehusinnkjøp HF
National registration number: 916879067
Postal address: Postboks 40
Town: Vadsø
NUTS code: NO Norge
Postal code: 9811
Country: Norway
Contact person: Postmottak Sykehusinnkjøp
Telephone: +47 78950700
Internet address(es):
Main address:
Address of the buyer profile:
I.2)Information about joint procurement
The contract is awarded by a central purchasing body
Additional information can be obtained from the abovementioned address
I.4)Type of the contracting authority
Body governed by public law
I.5)Main activity

Section II: Object

II.1)Scope of the procurement

2020/1524 Prior Information Notice — Invitation to a Market Dialogue on a Regional Tender Contest for a System for Pain and Symptom Relieving Treatment

Reference number: 2020/1524
II.1.2)Main CPV code
33194110 Infusion pumps
II.1.3)Type of contract
II.1.4)Short description:

Sykehusinnkjøp will, on behalf of Helse Midt-Norge RHF, hold a regional tender contest for a system for pain and symptom relieving treatment. In order to get the best possible overview of what pumps are available on the market, we would like to invite relevant tenderers to a digital dialogue meeting via Teams.

II.1.5)Estimated total value
II.1.6)Information about lots
This contract is divided into lots: no
II.2.2)Additional CPV code(s)
33100000 Medical equipments
42122410 Pumps for medical use
II.2.3)Place of performance
NUTS code: NO06 Trøndelag
II.2.4)Description of the procurement:

Advance pain and symptom relieving treatment is given to patient groups for cancer and palliation (relieving treatment), both in hospitals and in the municipal health service. The pain and symptom relieving treatment can be given intravenously, via the spine, epidural, and subcutaneous via a syringe pump and/or a peristaltic pump.

Pain and symptom relieving treatment can start in a hospital department and be continued at home or in a municipal institution. The treatment can also be started at home or in a municipal institution via a palliative team at the hospital, in cooperation with a GP and the home care service. Or it can be started in a municipal institution by a nursing home doctor, or in cooperation with the palliative team.

Continuation of the pain and symptom relieving treatment between hospital and the municipal health service means that it is expedient to use the same pumps in hospitals and in the municipal home service. The pumps that are used in the municipal health service are requisitioned from the Regional Unit for Treatment Aids (REB). The municipality can also procure its own pumps to use locally in the various units.

The tender contest includes:

Framework agreement for pumps for all relevant intravenous, subcutaneous, spinal, and epidural home treatment. The same pumps must also be suitable for use in hospitals. Municipal institutions will have an option to procure the pumps.

Syringe pumps with equipment specific disposable and multi-use consumables.

Peristaltic pumps with the accompanying extra equipment (bags).

Infusion pumps.

In addition to the technical requirements and design of the pumps, the framework agreement also includes the following, (c.f. Requirements Specification):

— CE marking,

— Service and guarantee terms,

— Training offer for health personnel and technicians,

— Technical telephone support,

— ICT and hygiene.


The annual total need for HMN, STO, and REB is estimated to approx: 40 cassette pumps, 20 infusion pumps, and 20 syringe pumps.

As the cassette pump and syringe pump equipment is long overdue being replaced, we will also have to replace parts of the existing equipment. It is not yet clear whether this will be done in batches or as needed. The need for new pumps, including replacements, is calculated to:

NEED cassette pumps infustion pumps syringe pumps

Amount 37 30 18

Fleet replacements 40 0 40

Total need 77 30 58

It is difficult to predict all factors, but, based on historical figures and the age of the equipment, these are realistic estimates.

The contracting authority invites interested parties to a market dialogue via Teams.

Separate meetings will be held of approx. 1.5 hours with each interested party.

The meetings will be held on 4 May 2021 on Teams.

The final meeting time for the day will be sent when we have a total overview of the number of registered companies.

We are considering sending the requirements specification to interested parties for a hearing, if we deem it appropriate.

Register in the communication module in Mercell by 26 April 2021.

Write the name, telephone number and email address of each participant.

The contracting authority will plan a tender contest notice as soon as the final requirement specifications are ready.

(See the attached notice document.)

Kind regards,

Anita A. Sand

Procurement Consultant, Central Norway Division

Mobile: +47 932 10 778

II.2.14)Additional information
II.3)Estimated date of publication of contract notice:

Section IV: Procedure

IV.1.8)Information about the Government Procurement Agreement (GPA)
The procurement is covered by the Government Procurement Agreement: yes

Section VI: Complementary information

VI.3)Additional information:
VI.5)Date of dispatch of this notice:
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