Prior information notice for a supplies contract
Lomé and Kara — Togolese Republic
Publication reference:
Programme title:
Justice sector support programme (Programme d'appui au secteur de la justice – PASJ).
Financing agreement No TG/FED/038-050.
Contracting authority:
Minister for Development Planning, EDF National Authorising Officer, Lomé, TOGO.
Contract description:
Supply of computer, office-automation and communication equipment for the Ministry of Justice and Relations with Institutions of the Republic.
Supply and installation of local area network (LAN) equipment in Kara (court of appeal and district court, located in the same building).
Supply and commissioning of a 350-kVA generator set in Kara (court of appeal and district court, located in the same building).
Indicative number and title of lots:
The invitation to tender comprises 3 lots:
lot 1: supply of computer, office-automation and communication equipment;
lot 2: supply and installation of local area network (LAN) equipment: cabling, verification and installation of plug sockets, cable ducts, switches and a distribution and control cabinet (Kara court of appeal and district court, located in the same building);
lot 3: supply and commissioning of a 350-kVA generator set in Kara (court of appeal and district court, located in the same building).
Scheduled publication date of the contract notice:
Additional information:
Tenderers may tender for 1, 2 or all 3 lots.
Equipment under lot 1 will be delivered to Lomé.
The delivery, installation and commissioning under lots 2 and 3 will be carried out in Kara.
Legal basis:
Annex IV to the Partnership Agreement between the members of the African, Caribbean and Pacific Group of States and the European Community and its Member States, signed in Cotonou on 23.6.2000, as amended in Luxembourg on 25.6.2005 and in Ouagadougou on 22.6.2010. Reference is made to Annex IV as revised by Decision No 1/2014 of the ACP-EU Council of Ministers of 20.6.2014.
There must be a minimum period of 30 calendar days between the publication of this prior information notice and the publication of the contract notice. Natural or legal persons interested should not therefore send proposals or requests for information at this stage.