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Serbia-Belgrade: Business Incubators Enabled to provide High Value Services to SMEs
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Serbia-Belgrade: Business Incubators Enabled to provide High Value Services to SMEs

The Government of the Republic of Serbia has announced on 28 Jan 2019 that is accepting bids for the following project: Serbia-Belgrade: Business Incubators Enabled to provide High Value Services to SMEs.

The tender will take place in Serbia and will cover the Business Services industry.

The value of this project has not been disclosed by the donor and you can apply until Deadline date

After the deadline, Global Database will announce the contract award for Serbia-Belgrade: Business Incubators Enabled to provide High Value Services to SMEs. In order to stay up-to-date with this tender and also to receive daily notifications about similar projects, you can subscribe to our newsletter for free.

Bellow you can find more information about the tender description and the bidding procedure.

Location: Serbia

General information


The Government of the Republic of Serbia


Business Services


Accepting bids



28 Jan 2019


Not available


Not available



Republic of Serbia

Service Contract Award Notice

 1.Publication reference

 2.Publication date of the contract notice

 3.Lot number and lot title

 4.Contract number and value

1 499 750,00 EUR
 5.Date of award of the contract

 6.Number of tenders received

 7.Overall score of chosen tender

 8.Name, address and nationality of successful tenderer

GFA Consulting Group GmbH, Federal Republic of GERMANY
Registration number B 30219
Eulenkrugstrasse 82, 22359 Hamburg, GERMANY
VAT number DE- 118655931
In consortium with
International Development Ireland, Ireland University of Lubeck, Federal Republic of Germany Seed Forum Norway Foundation, Kingdom of Norway.
 9.Duration of contract

24 months
 10.Contracting Authority

The Government of the Republic of Serbia represented by the Ministry of Finance, Department for Contracting and Financing of EU Funded Programmes (CFCU), 3-5 Sremska St., 11 000 Belgrade, SERBIA
 11.Legal basis

Regulation (EU) No. 236/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 11.3.2014 laying down common rules and procedures for the implementation of the Union's instruments for financing external action and Regulation (EU) No. 231/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 11.3.2014 establishing an Instrument for Pre-accession Assistance (IPA II).

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